Wednesday, March 13, 2013

#7 Animal Planet-3/13/13

If I could be an animal  I would be a Chimpanzee.I would because chimpanzees are smart like I am.The chimpanzee is strong so I could climb around in trees and stuff.I think it would also be fun just to live in a jungle and be a monkey.So thats why I want to be a chimpanzee so I can just climb and live in a jungle.

Monday, March 11, 2013

#6 When I Grow Up-3/11/13

When I grow up i hope to be a firefighter or work with the wolves at a zoo.I hope to be in college for at  least 4 years so in can get one of those jobs.I would want to be a firefighter so i can help people and because a lot of my family members were firefighters.I would like to work with the wolves at a zoo because I love wolves and i would love to work with them that would be awesome.If I stay in college for 4 years i should be able to get either job so that will be nice.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

#5-Lessons They Don't Teach You In School-3/7/13

My favorite lessons is " Life isn't fair.Whining about it rarely levels the playing field, but learning to rise above it is the ultimate reward." I like that saying because it is true.If you whine about something it doesn't help.If you dont whine and just get something done it's a lot more rewarding. Thats why I like that saying.And my lesson is ,don't argue with your mom it only gets uglier.

Monday, March 4, 2013

#4 CST Writing Review 3-4-13

Summary Outline
First i will put the title author and central idea and put 3 sub main ideas.Second I will put the 1 sub main idea and support it in detail with my own words then i put a transition to the next paragraph.Third I will put the 2 sub main idea support it in details with my own words then put a transition to the next paragraph.Fourth i put the last sub main idea support it in details with my own words then put a transition to the next paragraph.Then the last thing I do is restate the authors main idea and restate the 3 sub main ideas.

Response to Literature
I put a quote from the story and describe the main character and put what the character learned.I put what the character is like in the begining of the story then put an example from the story then use a quote from the story.Then I put the characters attitude at the turning point then put an example  and then put a quote from the story.

I need to have a setting and characters.I need rising action dialogue and rising action.Then I need to put a climax and climax dialogue.Then I need falling action and falling action dialogue.Then I need a resolution and resolution dialogue.

First I put a proposition and 3 support then a conclusion.Then I put the reason and 2 facts and 2 examples for paragraphs 2-4 and on paragraph 5 I put my proposition  restate my reasons and put my conclusion.

Friday, March 1, 2013

#3- The Glory Days- 3/1/13

I went to Mickey Cox Elementary.Our mascot was a cowboy.I played football and baseball and I also wrestled.My favorite teacher was Mr.Lehr my 6 grade teacher he was awesome.My favorite moment in elementary schools was when my friend Lucas fell off the monkey bars and face planted in the wood chips and he got a whole bunch of wood chips in his mouth.